Saturday, April 24, 2010

Book Review : The Baby Whisperer

As a suggestion from Hillary, I just finished reading The Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg. I really think that she has some good tips for moms and sounds like she's been doing this for quite some time.

A few things that I liked:

1. E.A.S.Y. I think that Molly and I fell into this type of routine without even knowing it. But it has reinforced my practice of helping Molly be the best baby she can be! Basically it's a baby routine - E = Eat, A = Activity, S = Sleep, Y = You time.

2. The sleep ritual. I sort of just did what I could ("accidental parenting") to get Molly to sleep. But I think that having a routine and a ritual is more important after reading this book. I also learned that patting and rocking aren't necessarily the best. I've found that just holding Molly still works really well in calming her down before rocking her.

3. It reinforced my knowledge of "baby crying." I think we moms have a tendency to project our feelings onto whatever we think the baby is saying and that's not necessarily the true baby feelings!

4. Communication. I am not just talking TO my baby - but WITH my baby. I've been really starting to have "conversations" with her and I think she's getting the hang of it! We were shopping the other day and she's not really doing much of anything while I look around but all of a sudden she giggled really loudly - I looked at her and started talking and she just kept giggling! So I feel like she's starting to understand that she can talk to me just as much as I can talk to her.

There are many many other tips in this book for helping you help your baby. I suggest reading it. I also picked up "Secrets of The Baby Whisperer" which is basically just a condensed version of the real book.

I recommend reading this book before you have your baby and the again while your baby is within it's first 3 months! By 3 months I think you would get most of the tips down for your little one, but if a review is needed than that's just fine as well!

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