Monday, April 19, 2010

Baby Temperments

One misconception I had about babies, was that there were only a couple of 'types'. I knew there were really easy babies, and then babies who were really difficult. I wondered, what type of baby will I have?

When it comes down to it, there are more than just easy and hard temperments.

I like Tracy Hogg's thoughts from her book The Baby Whisperer where she claims there are 5 main types of temperments for babies, with the chance that some babies may be a mix of two.

Angel: I think this is the baby type I hoped I would have ;) Angel babies are described by Hogg as 'Good as gold. Didn't even know I had a baby in the house. I could have five children like him. We were really lucky.'

Textbook: This is pretty much Lily as described by Hogg 'She's right on time with everything. She's mellow unless she needs something. A low maintenance child.'

Touchy: 'A real crybaby. The slightest thing sets him off. He's not good with other people. He always ends up in my lap or clinging to my leg.'

Spirited: I think Lily has a hint of this temperment in her as well. Hogg suggests this as a description for spirited babies 'A handful. Always into something. I don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's fearless.'

Grumpy: 'What a sourpuss. He seems to prefer playing on his own. I feel like I am always waiting for his next meltdown. He always has to have his way.'

Now, I think it's important to keep in mind that none of these types are good or bad. Some of these may be easier to parent than others; say an Angel baby versus a touchy baby. However, once we learn how to parent our specific baby's temperment, we can be more successful at giving them what I call a happy baby life.

What type is your baby? Take the quiz here that can also be found in The Baby Whisperer:


Sarah said...

I have a 17 month old "baby" with multiple food allergies/sensitivities. I did a before and after quiz for her, as in before we knew about her allergies and after (and took her off the offending foods - and mom too because we are nursing).

Before: I was not surprised to have a Grumpy Baby because SHE WAS!
After: Textbook. This surprised me a little. I'm not sure what I was expecting but it does make more sense with her personality.

I like to believe that our babies are trying to communicate with us. God created us to be happy and we should be even as babies. One of the clues that something was off with my baby was her Horrible Disposition. The poor thing was so unhappy all the time.

We're all different and that gives the world flavor - one not better than the other. Thanks for the cool post!

Valerie said...

Hmmm... interesting. I'm going to have to read this book. Like I thought- Lara was an angel baby and Vivi was a textbook baby.