Thursday, March 11, 2010


It's a fact of baby life.

Most babies spit up.

But what does it mean, what causes it and is it an issue?

Approx. 70% of babies have reflux which is caused when the sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus isn't strong enough to close completely. Thus, food travels right on up and out the mouth, unless it's swallowed (yuck!). Most little ones will outgrow this phase when their bodies grow and get stronger.

There are two types of spitter uppers: happy and sad ones. If your baby is happily spitting up, eating well at meals and gaining weight properly - then congrats! you have a happy spitter upper and there is no cause for concern. Rarely, is there ever a cause for concern with spit up, UNLESS you're baby is projectile, then you should talk to your doctor.

Now, if your baby is spitting up with a cry following, fussy at meals, arches back and cries during/after meals, has sleeping issues or seems to be in pain following a meal (anytime after 30 minutes) - then your baby may have GER - gastroesophageal reflux. Another indicator, maybe poor weight gain.

As for treatment there are two types of medicine:

1. Zantac - this is a histamine-2 blocker which reduces the amount of acid produced by your stomach.
-This medicine is taken orally twice a day and needs increased based on your baby's weight gain.

2. Prevacid - this is a proton pump inhibitor medicine which shuts off the production of acid in the stomach. This drug is much more effective at treating GER and is also more expensive.
-This medicien is taken orally once a day and the dosage remains the same, there is no change due to weight gain.

My personal opinion is to put the baby on meds for this condition. Sure, you can try to elevate the crib mattress, hold the baby upright for 30 minutes after eating and anything else you can google. BUT in the end, the baby has acid coming up it's esophagus and that equals no fun, for baby AND for Mom.

I have suffered from GERD my whole life, save during my pregnancy and my current breast feeding state. Heartburn sucks. Imagine how it must be for a little baby! No wonder she or he may not be able to sleep or eat well - his throat feels like it's on fire!


Ca V Ha said...

thanks for the tip, I've been trying to decipher the difference and this clears it up!

Anonymous said...

You're more than welcome! Since Lily and I both have the issue, I am pretty familiar with it.