Sunday, March 28, 2010

Follow up on Flying

The flight went off without a hitch! I read somewhere that it helps the baby to nurse during take-off so that they won't have an issue with the altitude adjustments. So I followed that plan and it worked very well. She didn't have a problem with the take off. During landing she didn't cry but you could tell that she was getting a little upset as her ears started to feel plugged. My sister and I just kept yawning while she looked at us, hoping that "yawns are contagious." It seemed to work and she yawned the whole way down.

Other things I learned:

1. The stroller has to be folded up and put on the belt to be scanned. Even if you have a 2 month old sleeping baby and the stroller obviously can't hide any sort of weapon. Once any mom or grandma sees you struggling - they offer to help so there are nice people out there.

2. Pack snacks. I don't care how long your flight is (ours was only 45 minutes), snacks would have been helpful.

3. Flight attendants are nice and will get you a snack, but the only thing they have are usually peanuts or pretzels. And if you're like me, you got sick and tired of eating pretzels during your first trimester and will never eat them again.

4. If you have someone travelling with you - make sure you are specific in your needs and that they know what help you need. Or they will leave you stranded at the security check in with a sleeping baby and a stroller that needs to be lifted onto the belt.

That's about all I can think of, a friend recently flew and her little one had to change messy diapers, so maybe I can get her to be a guest blogger and give us some advice on that. I didn't have to handle that situation!

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